Nowadays, it is essential to be updated with the latest techniques and technologies, to satisfy fast, efficiently, and sustainably the market needs. Innovation is gaining great importance to develop new products and to improve the actual procedures and studies, especially in sectors such as chemicals, agriculture, alimentation, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and pharma.
This 2-day webinar, developed by AINIA experts in I+D, will consist in 3 lectures about the latest technologies in bioprocesses, in vitro models for novel and bioactive ingredients; as well as supercritical CO2 extraction, paying special attention to their different application in these sectors.
If you register in this webinar, you will receive a link and instructions to access online to the event.
Webinar consisting in 3 lectures that will focus on a theorical-practice point of view of the topics, focusing on specific techniques and processes, and their potential exploitation in different sectors. These lectures, given by experienced specialists from AINIA, will also allow a space for questions and enquires made by the participants of the Webinar.
Day 1: Advanced biosynthesis and in vitro evaluation of novel bioactive ingredients:
Day 2: Supercritical CO2 extraction for food, hemp, cosmetics, and cork:
18th November 2021, 10:00-11:00 GMT (11:00-12:00 España)
Advanced biosynthesis and in vitro evaluation of novel bioactive ingredients.
1.Advanced bioprocesses for novel and bioactive ingredients. Ana Torrejón, specialist in industrial biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology combines set of techniques that use enzymes and microorganisms to obtain products for the chemical, agricultural, human food, animal feed, cosmetic and pharma sectors. This session will give an overview of advanced bioprocesses for the biosynthesis of novel and bioactive ingredients, focussing on the design, optimization and implementation of these processes and combining the know-how of the different disciplines involved: microbiology biotechnology process engineering and design of equipment. Some of the bioprocesses covered in this session may be classified as follow:
2. Advanced in vitro methods for preclinical studies. Lidia Tomás, specialist in preclinical in vitro studies
This session is about different advanced in vitro systems as an alternative or complementary to in vivo studies. Those are improved methods, with enhanced representativity, that allow to reduce the number of final candidates to test in animal models and therefore, reducing the required animal testing, as well as to increase the success of subsequent clinical studies or nutritional intervention studies.
19th November 2021, 10:00-11:00 GMT (11:00-12:00 España)
3. Supercritical CO2 extraction for food, hemp, cosmetics and cork. Elvira Casas, specialist in Supercritical Fluid Technologies-Altex
Processes with supercritical CO2 and especially, extractive ones, are feasible up to industrial scale to made high quality product without involving organic solvents and preserving thermolabile features, in accordance to AINIA´s experience along more than 25 years in this field and up to industrial scale in Altex facility. Supercritical extractions with CO2 may be applied for different purposes, such as obtaining fine oils and high-quality extracts up or purifying matrixes by taking out undesirable substances. Some examples could be: extraction of vegetal oils and natural extracts useful for products such as fragrances, food products, nutraceuticals, cosmetics…; obtention of low-fat proteins (especially plant-based); treatment of diverse materials to remove solvent traces, pesticides, unpleasant aromatic compounds; etc. Among other cases, the potential application to hemp to produce extracts and to cork to remove TCA will be addressed.
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